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A WORD FOR 2022.


 There is a wind of change that is coming in 2022, it is a wind of Holy Ghost revival. The winds of revival are about to blow upon My church like never before, this revival will surpass any other revival in years gone by, it is the promised "Former and Latter Rain" and I will pour out my Spirit upon all flesh and you will see the fullness of the five-fold ministry restored to the church and the Gifts of the Holy Spirit will be in full manifestation and many will come to know the Lord. In 2022 God will manifest His Glory and great rejoicing will be upon My people and in My church.


Prophecy Given By Dr. Stephen J. Hales. 21/2/21

It is coming, it is coming, it is coming, a revival of Devine Healing a revival of Holy Spirit power with signs, miracles and wonders. From the north to the south, from the west to the east the whole nation will be in the grip of a healing revival, so prepare your hearts and your minds so that you will be ready for this great revival. Do not just be a spectator but be a participator, do not miss out on this coming move of God.

Yes it is coming, it is coming, it is imminent, so prepare yourselves, be alert be watching so that you will be ready. Yes it is coming; but only those who are living in the spirit and walking by faith will be the ones on whom I will pour out my Spirit. I will move not only through the fivefold ministry but I will move and work through those who you would call the laity.

I will work through all those who have prepared their hearts and minds and who have made themselves ready.

Yes it is coming, it is imminent so wait on the Lord and He will prepare you as a vessel in which He can pour His Mighty power so that you will perform wonders and signs and do the mighty works of God.





Stephen Hales Ministries



A Word from God for 2025.

In 2025 the Church globally will THRIVE
In 2025 the Churches on the edge will SURVIVE
By the end of 2025, those who have a death sentence WILL STILL BE ALIVE

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