Stephen Hales Ministries
The Executive
Dr. Stephen J. Hales is an Ordained Minister with the "NEW TESTAMENT MINISTRIES INTERNATIONAL" and the "APOSTLES INTERNATIONAL"
Dr. Hales is also the Founder/President of: "INTERNATIONAL FELLOWSHIP OF CHARISMATIC MINISTRIES", a ministerial fellowship for ministers of faith.
Dr.Hales teaches the "Uncompromised Word" with great authority and a refreshing simplicity, with particular emphasis on the integrity of God's Word. He stands in the offices of an Apostle, Prophet and a Teacher, and has a Healing and Miracle Ministry; he moves freely in the Word of Wisdom and the Word of Knowledge, and in the Power Gifts of the Holy Spirit. In his Ministry Dr. Hales has seen the blind, deaf and lame healed. Many shortened legs and arms have been lengthened, terminal cancer and Parkinsons disease have also been healed as well as kidney disorders, arthritis and many other sicknesses and diseases.
Dr. Hales has seen God recreat new ear drums, new knee caps and new kidneys. There has also been several other creative miracles that have taken place too. Dr. Hales has been in the Ministry since 1977, and he has served as a minister with two of the Pentecostal Denominations in the U.K
Dr. Hales and his wife Susan have three children, Paul, Mark, and Rachel.
The vision of SHM is :-
[1] To teach the Body of Christ the concepts of faith, and who they are in Christ, and how to live victorious successful Christian lives.
[2] To train and equip the Body of Christ for the work of the Ministry. SHM is called to "Teach, Train and Demonstrate the Anointing and Power of the Holy Spirit, to the Body of Christ."
[3] To exhort, edify and comfort the believer. [4] To set people free from all bondage through the anointing which God has placed on his ministry.
[5] To impact the world with the life changing power of the Gospel. [6] To Proclaim the Lordship of Jesus Christ.
It is the desire of Stephen Hales Ministries to serve the whole Body of Christ, that unity and blessing might prevail in the Church, and to help the believer experience JOY in their service to God.
Dr. Hales has also authored several books, with more to come. Dr. Hales teaches the Word through the means of:- *More than Conquerors Faith Conventions. *Christ the Healer Crusades. *Faith Bible College & Training Centre. *Victory Bible Church. *Books.*Audio CD's and DVD's.